Site Feasibility In Clinical Trials

2020. 2. 26. 03:05카테고리 없음


Clinical Site Feasibility Questionnaire


Clinical Site Feasibility

Non-commercial trials that fail to meet their targets often result in a request for further funding or may not achieve a statistically significant result. It is important to ensure that feasibility assessment and recruitment planning are considered during the study design and planning stage of a trial. For larger trials, the sponsor should consider, during the funding process, whether a feasibility or pilot study should be undertaken. The Association of Medical Research Charities and the NIHR Medicines for Children Research Network have produced. The US Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI) have published a suite of Recommendations and Tools for that provide a useful framework. Investigator Selection For multi-site trials, the careful selection and evaluation of investigator sites is critical for the successful completion of a trial within budget, timelines and to ensure the generation of high quality data.